Overcome Writer’s Block and Move Your Project Forward
I'll never forget the very first time I heard a great story about Victor Hugo. In 1830 Victor Hugo lived in Paris. He was supposed to be working on his newest novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, but was suffering from "writer's block." He set about immersing himself in all the splendor and social frivolity that Paris had to offer. At first, his procrastination was dealt with in an easygoing way. His publisher, however, eventually lost patience and gave him six months to finish his book.
Feeling the immense pressure of this deadline fast approaching, Hugo famously bought himself a bottle of ink and a shawl. He locked his clothes up to ensure he could withstand the temptations of the fun to be had outside. Free from distractions he was now forced to write. The novel was published two weeks before the deadline he had been given.
It's my firm belief that sometimes procrastination is helpful. It can give time for ideas to grow. At other times, however, it can keep us from achieving important goals.
As a professional writer, I've learned something that many consider controversial: I don't believe in writer’s block and have worked really hard to teach myself how to show up on the page when I sit to write.
I've created a habit of writing. In any given writing session, my creative brain will click into action as soon as I sit at my writing desk. From the first sentence of a first draft to the last period in the final, my creative juices can stay flowing.
This wasn't always the case though. It took time, and some tricks of the trade along the way.
First, I'll take my good idea and brainstorm it into an outline. I'll also note whether I have enough research for a topic or need to collect more.
Daily Writing Habit
Next step, I create a writing schedule and block out daily writing time. I create the circumstances I need to make this happen. I do my best writing in the morning, which I've learned from trial and error. You may operate better writing at night. Time of day can be a factor for us all, so play around with this to find the time that works best for you.
Sometimes, I need quiet, and others, the soothing sounds of the bustling coffee shop are helpful. It usually depends on what I am writing about. This is a preference thing, not a performance thing. I can write regardless of where I am or the ambiance around me. When I can choose though, I allow myself to do so. All of the professional writers I know operate similarly.
In my writing schedule, I also indicate what current projects I have and what I need to work on. In addition to my own projects, I usually manage multiple client projects simultaneously. Knowing ahead of time what I am going to sit down to work on is vital.
Another important thing I do here is give myself a time limit, this is always baked into my writing process. Why not write until I feel like I am done? Well, sometimes I do. But when I need to show up to create client work, I have to perform. So I allot a time limit that correlates to what I am creating. I am sure to work in time to pour back into my inner creative, and of course, time for rest and exercise. I'm no use to anyone if I haven't left my chair for hours at a time.
Another technique that writers in my circle use is the Pomodoro Technique. This time management system was created by Francesco Cirillo. It works by setting a timer for 25 minutes to allow for focused work. Then, you take a short break and repeat.
In the ten years that I have been a professional writer, I've learned that the most unhappy writers are those who do not have a process for how and when they show up to write. Without a starting point, there is no end. They become frustrated by their lack of progress. They sit down and have trouble writing because there is no plan for where to go on the page or what to accomplish for that day.
Lean in close, and I'll tell you an industry secret: It's the most important thing about being a writer:
"The more you write, the more you'll write."—Honoree Corder.
Have you ever heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which takes place every year in November? In 2022 it's estimated that over 400,000 people participated in NaNoWriMo. Do you know why so many people are successful at writing their first rough draft of their entire book when they participate in this program? It's because there is a writing process that is laid out and helps them make it through. Daily writing goals and word count goals help the participants move that needle forward. There is a plan, and all they have to do is show up and focus on the plan.
When I coach clients through writing their book, I refer to an awesome resource written by Honoree Corder, There is No Such Thing as Writer's Block. She is the author of over 65 books, so she knows a thing or two about the entire process. In this book, she gathers a bunch of different resources that not only deal with the writing process but also the psychological inhibition that can keep some writers stuck.
Mindset is tricky for writers. Since the majority of what we do is done alone, the industry has many introverts. Honestly, nothing makes me happier than curling up into my favorite chair with a good book. If I didn't talk to anyone for days, it really wouldn't bother me. Although I do love people, I am equally happy replenishing my energy alone. But solitude isn't always a friend.
When writing a book, especially your first book, you can encounter many bumps—feeling creatively stuck, excessive self-criticism from a desire for perfection, and feeling like your idea may not be worth writing about. In a world where self-publishing allows room for many more authors, there can even be a lack of external motivation. Unlike Hugo, many writer’s today do not have/use an editor or publisher laying down strict deadlines.
Learning some ways to help you get over these humps before you encounter them can go a long way toward allowing you to accomplish your writing goals.
As I prepare to self-publish my second book (and having worked on 19 others for and with clients), I am still only as good as the team around me. That team includes other writers, editors and proofreaders who help me hone my craft. They not only provide me with hilarious meme's but always make sure my work can withstand the eyes of the best grammar police. A fantastic graphic designer for my book covers. And of course, a remarkable mentor and other industry leaders who function as sounding boards and keep me motivated and growing in all the right directions.
Want to overcome writer's block? Craft a plan. Schedule dedicated time. Write. Build a circle of support around you to help when that negative voice shows up (and it will) to tell you that you suck, and so does your work. Don't be distracted or frustrated by the glorious illusion of the starving artist with writer's block. That isn't you. You're a professional writer. You show up, and you write.