Pushing through Imposter Syndrome
MJ James MJ James

Pushing through Imposter Syndrome

As I sit here writing this I am positive that every one of you reading this has felt this at one time. Imposter syndrome is a pretty common term that many are familiar with. If you weren’t familiar with that term before this minute, I’ve just described it above. Now you can put a term to that awful feeling you have had, and maybe even currently have now when it comes to different things in your life and business.

The funny thing about imposter syndrome is that it can sneak up on you even when you’ve been a master of your industry/craft for a long time.

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The importance of looking forward.
MJ James MJ James

The importance of looking forward.

How often do we give ourselves unexpected things to look forward to?

Birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, the 4th of July… most people expect those here in the United States. We know they are coming regardless of whether we celebrate them or not. They are expected.

But how often do you get to experience the feeling of anticipation that encircles you when you are looking forward to something?

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“Should,” a Burnout Contributor.
MJ James MJ James

“Should,” a Burnout Contributor.

How often do you say, “I should” to yourself in a day? A week? A month? Did you know that the words you say create the mindset you operate with? And “should” is a no-no!

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5 Easy Ways to Take Time for Yourself
MJ James MJ James

5 Easy Ways to Take Time for Yourself

How do you find that beautiful, soulful balance that still allows you to serve those around you joyfully while still filling your own inner self care cup? Here are a few tips to help you get started.

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Prioritize Rest for a Productive 2024.
MJ James MJ James

Prioritize Rest for a Productive 2024.

Rest stretches beyond sleep into several areas of your life. Once you understand the gift that rest is, and how productive it can actually make you, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to prioritize and incorporate into your life.

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5 Ways to  de-Stress Today.
MJ James MJ James

5 Ways to de-Stress Today.

It is no secret that these last few pandemic years have seen a dramatic increase in anxiety, depression, and even increased suicide rates. It seems there isn’t a day that goes by that I do not discuss the state of mental health with at least half of the people I encounter.

The simple fact is that most people who come to me for consultations see stress as their single biggest issue. From this, anxiety, sleep issues, moodiness, etc… all circle around like vicious vultures.

There are simple things you can do for yourself to begin your de-stress journey now.

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Beat Burnout with Dolce far Niente
MJ James MJ James

Beat Burnout with Dolce far Niente

In one of my favorite books turned movies, Eat, Pray, Love written by Elizabeth Gilbert, there is a hilarious scene that takes place in a barber shop. In this movie scene the character, Luca Spaghetti explains what he believes is a problem with Americans, “You feel guilty because you are American, you don’t know how to enjoy yourself…” You can watch the full clip here. He goes on to explain that Americans do not know, “Dolce far niente.” This, when translated according to the movie, means the sweetness of doing nothing.

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What does life after burnout feel like?
MJ James MJ James

What does life after burnout feel like?

What does life look like after burnout? In some ways that picture is a little different for us all, largely depending on how significant the burnout was and whether it was work burnout; life burnout; or some combination of the two. Generally speaking though, the most significant visible difference can be seen in the level of “busy” people are.

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The Benefits of Playtime for Stronger Business
MJ James MJ James

The Benefits of Playtime for Stronger Business

Did you know, playtime is not just for kids; it can actually make us stronger in business?!

Engaging in playful activities allows us to tap into our creativity, problem-solving skills, and resilience. Playtime helps us to develop important qualities that are highly beneficial in the business world.

As a child playtime taught me to think outside the box, adapt to unexpected circumstances and to work collaboratively with others. As an adult entrepreneur, I can appreciate every single one of those experiences in an extremely valuable way.

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Are you your Own Fan?
MJ James MJ James

Are you your Own Fan?

Are you your own fan? Do you look at your life and cheer yourself on? Do you take time to make the hurdles and sticking points in your life better? Do you take a minute to reflect on things and quiet your racing mind? Do you take time to exercise? Feed your brain?
For the majority of my adult life, both personally and in business, my answer to those questions was a resounding, “no.”

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Defeat Burnout with a Strong Daily Recharge
MJ James MJ James

Defeat Burnout with a Strong Daily Recharge

How often have you found yourself glancing down at your phone and realizing that it needed a charge? What do you do then? Do you stay still allowing that battery to drain until no juice is left? Shrug your shoulders and just figure you’ll get to a charger later?

If you are like most people, you are not standing still when that “low battery” appears on your screen. It’s likely you jumped right into action to locate a charger. It’s likely, too, that you sighed just a little bit as you beat the clock and got it plugged into the wall in just the nick of time.

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