Rediscovering Magic: Staying Young at Heart to Avoid Burnout

Rediscovering Magic: Staying Young at Heart to Avoid Burnout

We all know the lyrics which were written by Carolyn Leigh and made famous by Frank Sinatra’s incredible voice. Likely, you’re already singing along to this classic.

I remember one day when I was living in my auto-pilot days- this song came on, and I couldn’t understand it anymore. I had heard it when I was a teen, it always made me feel whimsical. It evoked hope and made it seem like life could have a little bit of magic if you just knew how to find it.

Then, I began adulting.

Adulting turned to overwork. Overworking turned to autopilot. And autopilot meant burnout for me—no more feeling song lyrics. No more appreciating the sounds of birds. No more languishing in the sheer pleasure of family time. I couldn’t feel the song anymore.

Fast-forward through my journey of time, space, and countless hours reshaping my life, and here I sit, realizing that the key to never falling into burnout in the first place exists in this classic song.

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